Lifelong Learning Centre in Nature

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Personal development


What is AKORD?
AKORD is our first joint creation through which we spread light, encouraging others to take steps in this direction themselves.
"Academy of Personal Growth 12 - AKORD" is the creation of two happy couples: Anita and Ivan & Katarina and Igor. We bring a lot of love and dedication to it, but also many years of experience and concrete results in working with adults and young people.

What is our work based on and what do you get in cooperation with us?
Our work is essentially based on the knowledge that our reality is a perfect reflection of ourselves and that the key to everything we want to create in our lives is deep personal transformative change and directed action in accordance with it. That golden key that opens all the doors for you is already in your pocket and our role is to remind you how to use it in an enlightened way on every occasion, in the specific areas we will work on.

How do we know we are on the right way?
We left the leadership to our hearts, which we trust unconditionally, and the coincidence of the common vision and selected topics with the predictions of global trends in adult education for 2024 firmly anchors us in our direction. See for yourself on these examples:
- Lifelong learning
- Mental health and well-being
- Financial challenges
- Hybrid learning (live & online)
- Team work and development of communication skills
- Discreet mentoring that supports independent work
- Challenges as motivation
- Global and interregional cooperation
- Global online communities
- Sustainability and care for the environment.

Where and how do we realize our programs?
In the first phase, we decided to work live in our Center and on our ecological Permaculture Estate in the village of Marindvor near the town of Požega, while additional content and programs accompanying the workshops and trainings can be found on our online platform " Everchanging Me".

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Platform " Everchanging Me":

Reiki technique
Name of education: Reiki First Degree Training Course
Type of Education: Non-formal Education
Duration of Education: 16 hours, two days
Place of Education: Marindvor village, Požega, Croatia, EU
Date of Education: by agreement
How to apply for Education: fill out and send a motivation letter
Documents required for education: identity card
Learning outcomes: after completing the Reiki First Degree Training Course, participants should be able to:
• describe the basic characteristics of the Reiki technique and the conditions and instructions for the treatment (treatment - the act or method of treatment, acting in a situation, when solving a problem. source: Croatian language portal) and the 5 principles of Reiki
• independently practice treatments that are part of the material of the first level of the Reiki technique.
Price of Education: €360.00 per participant (two nights included in the AKORD holiday house)
Payment method: transaction account
Name of education: Reiki Second Degree Training Course
Type of Education: Non-formal Education
Duration of Education: 16 hours, two days
Place of Education: Marindvor village, Požega, Croatia, EU
Date of Education: by agreement
How to apply for Education: fill out and send a motivation letter
Education is available to the individuals below: age 18 or older and completed the Reiki First Degree Training Course with the Reiki master Igor Štavlić
Documents required for education: Identity card
Learning outcomes: after completing the Reiki Second Degree Training Course, participants should be able to:
• describe the basic characteristics of the Reiki technique of the second degree and the conditions and instructions for the treatment
• independently practice treatments that are part of the material of the second level of the Reiki technique.
Price of Education: €360.00 per participant (two nights included in the AKORD holiday house)
Payment method: transaction account
About the educational leader of the Reiki Course:
Igor Štavlić passed the first and second level of the Reiki technique in 1999, and in 2006 the master's degree with which he was qualified to conduct Reiki courses of the traditional Reiki Usui system of natural healing. Through the daily practical application of the Reiki technique since 1999, he has gained a wealth of experience in the application and benefits of the Reiki technique in everyday life. 💚AKORD ENG 99
Education in personal development is one of the most powerful drivers towards a society of knowledge that leads us to living in love, health and well-being in all areas of human activity. 💚
I am sharing my own experience of using the Everchanging Me online platform for personal development after going through the contents of the first module. The authors of the online platform Everchanging Me are Anita Marković, an internationally certified psychotherapist in the field of transactional analysis (EATA, CTA-P) and Ph.D. Ivan Marković, PhD in methodology and didactics. They invite us to know ourselves as programmers of our own reality.
Knowledge society - a society whose activities and progress are mostly based on the production, distribution and use of knowledge. It is a social community (human society, state) in which knowledge is one of the most important values, in which knowledge is the main driver of economic and social development, in which society invests in science and the development of experts.
Lifelong education - denotes a concept that views education as a lifelong process, which begins with compulsory schooling and (formal) education and lasts a lifetime. The term is often replaced by the term lifelong learning, but these two terms are not synonymous. Lifelong education includes only organized learning, while lifelong learning is a broader concept that includes unintentional, unorganized and spontaneous acquisition of knowledge.
Lifelong learning - is defined as an overall learning activity during life, with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competences within a personal, civic, social and/or employment perspective. It includes learning in all periods of life (from early youth to old age) and in all forms in which it is realized (formal, informal and informal), whereby learning is understood as a continuous process in which the results and motivation of an individual in a certain period of life are conditioned by knowledge, habits and learning experiences acquired at a younger age. There are four basic, interconnected goals associated with lifelong learning: personal satisfaction and individual development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employability.
Non-formal education - any form of education that does not lead to the acquisition of new qualifications, i.e. new diplomas or advancement on the qualification ladder. It denotes organized learning processes aimed at training adults for work, for various social activities and for personal development (see informal learning).
Non-formal learning – learning incorporated into planned general or professional activities that are not explicitly defined as learning (in terms of learning goals, learning time or learning support). It includes non-formal education and non-formal training. Informal learning is intentional from the point of view of the learner. In Croatia, it is used to denote organized learning activities with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competences, for which no public document is issued.
Learning outcomes - results of the learning process; acquired behavioral repertoires, acquired knowledge and skills; developed competencies in different areas.



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© 2025 IGOR - Obrt za cjeloživotno učenje / Lifelong Learning Centre