Lifelong Learning Centre in Nature

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We are interested in cooperating on the implementation of EU-funded projects (Erasmus+, ESF, etc.).

Field of interest:

  • Entrepreneurship, Green entrepreneurship and Social entrepreneurship

  • VET education

  • Adult education

  • Rural tourism

  • Organic agriculture

  • Sustainable development

  • Climate changes

  • Social inclusion of vulnerable groups

  • Personal development.

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Our projects:

Erasmus+ activity Civitas 2023:
Promoting Active Citizenship through Youth Work
Civitas 2023
Duration of the project: from July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.
The project is co-financed by EU funds from the Erasmus+ program
Project partners: Fedactio (Belgium) VitaTiim (Estonia), IGOR and Prizma Association (Croatia), Ottovolante Sulcis (Italy), Young Folks (Latvia), Tavo Europa (Lithuania), Splora (Spain).
KA1 – Mobility of Youth Workers
Youth all over Europe lack knowledge about the European Union. This affects youth in a negative way because they miss out on opportunities provided by the EU, such as education or training mobility, international volunteering or youth exchanges. Furthermore, youth’s participation in democratic processes is limited by obstacles they face and by lack of knowledge about the functioning of the Union, as well as by low level of media literacy and uncritical thinking.
Youth can become more active citizens if they improve media literacy and critical thinking skills, and gain knowledge on the EU, especially about the Union's functioning, and its values. Moreover, these knowledge and skills can boost youth’s employability, increase sense of initiative and self-esteem, enhance intercultural awareness and foster European identity.
In order to better meet the needs of local youth and help them overcome social, cultural and geographic obstacles, the aim of the activity is to increase the quality of youth work of partner organisations in promoting active citizenship. Special emphasis will be put on using non-formal education methods because non-formal learning can help enhance youth’s understanding of the EU, inspire a more active participation in social and democratic processes, as well as foster a sense of belonging to the European Union.
Activity’s aim will be achieved through three specific objectives: 
- increasing knowledge of partners' youth workers related to the Union’s functioning, common EU values, and fundamental rights 
- increasing knowledge, competences and skills of partners' youth workers related to promoting media literacy and critical thinking among youth
- exchanging experiences of participating organisations on how to use non-formal education in promoting active citizenship among youth.
Erasmus logo cofunded


Erasmus+ project I.We.Society, 2020-1-LV01-KA227-ADU-094488


logo I.We. Society


IGOR, Lifelong Learning Centre has just become a partner in the Erasmus+ project I.We.Society, 2020-1-LV01-KA227-ADU-094488. On March 1, 2021, the implementation of the two-year strategic partnership began. The Grobiņa Adult Education Center project coordinator is from Latvia, and the other partners are from Cyprus, Croatia, Hungary, Slovenia and Spain. The total grant of the project for contractual period is estimated at 182.858,00 EUR.

The project is implemented by six adult education organizations, as follows:
Grobiņa Adult Education center (LATVIA)
Ecocenter Alapítvány (HUNGARY)
Asociacion De Innovacion, Formación y Empleo para el Desarrollo Sostenible (SPAIN)
Human University, Institute of Cultural Education, Rogaska Slatina (SLOVENIA)
G.G. Eurosuccess Consulting Limited (CIPAR)
IGOR, obrt za cjeloživotno učenje, vl. Igor Štavlić, Marindvor, Marindvor 39 (CROATIA).
During the implementation of the project, six online courses will be created for six different target groups of adult participants. The piloting of the new online courses will be carried out during 2022 and at the beginning of 2023 in all six partner countries.
We are looking forward to the implementation of this excellent Erasmus+ KA2 strategic partnership!
More about the project I.We.Society at the link: 
Erasmus logo cofunded


More innovation, 2020-1-HT01-KA104-077207

On 13h July 2020 The Grant Agreement was signed by Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes and Lifelong Learning Centre IGOR for a project called "More innovation", 2020-1-HT01-KA104-077207 as a part of ERASMUS+ project, Key Action 1: Mobility of individuals.

This is the first ERASMUS+ project which IGOR, Lifelong Learning Centre is exponent to, which lifts our hearts and encourages us for the future enhancing of work quality in sector of adult education.

Erasmus logo cofunded


References – Igor Štavlić, M.Sc.:

  • Erasmus+ activity Civitas 2023: Promoting Active Citizenship through Youth Work, KA1 – Mobility of Youth Workers in which IGOR, Lifelong Learning Centre in Nature, is a project partner. From July 2023 to December 2023.
  • Erasmus+ project "I.We.Society", 2020-1-LV01-KA227-ADU-094488. Key activity 2: Strategic partnerships in the field of adult education (AE) in which IGOR, Lifelong Learning Centre in Nature, is a project partner. From March 2021 to February 2023.
  • ERASMUS+ project "More innovations", 2020-1-HR01-KA104-077207 led by IGOR, Lifelong Learning Centre in Nature within the ERASMUS+ program, Key Action 1: Mobility of individuals. From June 2020 to May 2021
  • Project team member in charge of conducting trainings in the project "LIPA - Local Initiative for Entrepreneurial Activation", carried by the Croatian Employment Service, Požega Regional Office. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund, under the Local Employment Incentive Initiative - Phase III program, and under the Operational Program Effective Human Resources 2016-2020. From May 2018 to May 2019.
  • Project team member in charge of conducting training in the project "Welcome, Here You Are!" co-financed by the European Social Fund, carried by the Open University Obris within the frame of the Call “Improving Access for Vulnerable Groups in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector Labour Market”, co-financed by the European Social Fund. From April 2018 to May 2019.
  • Project team member "My ICT Career" HR.3.1.19-0023 co-financed by the EU funds through IPA IV - Human Resources Development, grant scheme "Capacity Building of Adult Education Institutions - Phase II", carried by the Open University Obris. The duration of the project implementation was from November 2015 to November 2016.
  • Erasmus+ Program, representative of the Open University Obris responsible for coordinating and implementing the project in an international strategic partnership from seven EU countries on the “EnYouthTeacher. Entrepreneurship in lifelong learning for young people and teachers / trainers” 2014-1-ES1-KA2025-004360 with coordinator from Spain. The duration of the project implementation was from September 2014 to August 2016.
  • Education specialist in “Rural Tourism and Use of Funds” program in the Sectorial Education Model project, IPA IV - Human Resources Development within the Competition "Capacity Building of Adult Education Institutions", the project leader is School of Economics in Varaždin, Croatia. The duration of the project implementation was from October 2013 to October 2014.
  • Assistant to the project manager of "SLATINA - Empowering Adults in the Labour Market", IPA IV - Human Resources Development as part of the "Strengthening the Capacities of Adult Education Institutions" competition, project leader is the Open University Slatina. The duration of the project implementation was from October 2013 to October 2014
  • Assistant to the project manager of "" within IPA IV component, Human Resources Development in Croatia 2007-2009 Operational Program. GRANT SCHEME: Regional network of local educational institutions, project carrier is Pakrac High School. The duration of the project implementation was from November 2010 to November 2011.

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© 2025 IGOR - Obrt za cjeloživotno učenje / Lifelong Learning Centre