Lifelong Learning Centre in Nature

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Transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ project I.We.Society in Latvia

Our project coordinator Grobiņa Adult Education center from Latvia is hosting our transnational I.We.Society project team meeting, 2020-1-LV01-KA227-ADU-094488. The main focus of the meeting was on the creation of online courses and a platform where participants will be able to access online courses. During the transnational meeting from June 21 to 23, 2022 all open issues were discussed and planned activities for the next period were agreed upon.
The aim is to provide people of all ages with equal and open access to high-quality learning opportunities and a variety of learning experiences, special attention being paid to the vulnerable part of the society facing changes or disadvantages in their lives, some of them created by Covid-19 pandemic. The target group of the whole project is quite wide, but each program will focus on one special type of them. With this in mind, effective material based on the needs of different target groups will be created.
Naslovnalogo I.We. Society
Erasmus logo cofunded 
As part of the transnational meeting of the project team, we visited the cultural heritage and natural beauty of the city of Liepaja and its surroundings.
More about the project I.We.Society at the link: 

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