Lifelong Learning Centre in Nature

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With pleasure, it was the turn of IGOR, Lifelong Learning Centre, to organize the transnational meeting of the I.We.Society project team in Požega from October 10 to 12, 2022. The strategic partnership is in the final phase of the implementation of the two-year Erasmus+ project. At the transnational meeting, activities and challenges related to the creation of online courses were presented, which are nearing completion, and the translation of the content of the online courses into all six languages of the partner countries is underway. The online platform is being prepared for public use by participants who will have free access to online courses created as part of this Erasmus+ project. During the transnational meeting, all open issues regarding the implementation of project activities were discussed and the following activities were agreed with a special emphasis on the process of piloting online courses in all six partner countries.

The impact and sustainability of the project is as follows:

  • 600 participants will have got motivation to improve their life and improved their IT skills
  • 60 participants will have reflected on the created digital distance learning courses
  • 40 staff members will have improved their own foreign language and IT skills, as well as increased their expertise on adult teaching
  • the adult education centers will have got 6 new digital programs that can be offered to vulnerable social groups.

As part of the transnational meeting of the project team, we visited the cultural heritage and natural beauty of our Golden Valley and its surroundings.

More about the project I.We.Society at the link: 


View the embedded image gallery online at:

As part of the professional education for the application of innovative content from the sector in the teaching process, an education was held for the development of entrepreneurial ideas, prototyping, market entry strategies for student teams and teachers in different schools within RCK Slavonika 5.1.
The purpose of the education is to strengthen the target group for the application of the methodology of creating an entrepreneurial project and the analysis of an entrepreneurial idea, as well as the prototyping process and the preparation of market entry strategies within the 5 thematic areas of RCK, and to enrich the exchange of knowledge and the acquisition of vocational curriculum learning outcomes. The training was conducted during September 2022 under the leadership of Igor Štavlić.

Logo RCK Slavonika 5.1

As part of professional education for the application of innovative content from the sector in the teaching process, education was held on Development of entrepreneurial ideas, prototyping, market performance and focus groups.
The purpose of the education is to strengthen the target group (vocational teachers within the Regional Competence Center Slavonika 5.1) for applying the methodology of creating an entrepreneurial project and analyzing an entrepreneurial idea, the process of prototyping, preparing a market presentation and conducting focus groups within 5 thematic areas of RCK, and for enriching teaching methods and enriching teaching materials within VET education and adult education. The training was conducted during August and September 2022 led by Igor Štavlić.

Logo RCK Slavonika 5.1

As part of the activities of the "Regional Center of Competence in Vocational Education in Mechanical Engineering - Industry 4.0" project, Teacher Education for the application of interactive and innovative methods in the teaching process is carried out. In the period from April to September 2022, Igor Štavlić held workshops on the topic: "Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning" for teachers of the following schools in Croatia: St. Ivan Zelina High School, Jastrebarsko High School, Velika Gorica Vocational High School, Ivan Švear Ivanić Grad High School and Vrbovec High School.

Projektna i problemska nastava RCK Industrija 4.0

Logo  RCK Industrija 4.0

Our project coordinator Grobiņa Adult Education center from Latvia is hosting our transnational I.We.Society project team meeting, 2020-1-LV01-KA227-ADU-094488. The main focus of the meeting was on the creation of online courses and a platform where participants will be able to access online courses. During the transnational meeting from June 21 to 23, 2022 all open issues were discussed and planned activities for the next period were agreed upon.
The aim is to provide people of all ages with equal and open access to high-quality learning opportunities and a variety of learning experiences, special attention being paid to the vulnerable part of the society facing changes or disadvantages in their lives, some of them created by Covid-19 pandemic. The target group of the whole project is quite wide, but each program will focus on one special type of them. With this in mind, effective material based on the needs of different target groups will be created.
Naslovnalogo I.We. Society
Erasmus logo cofunded 
As part of the transnational meeting of the project team, we visited the cultural heritage and natural beauty of the city of Liepaja and its surroundings.
More about the project I.We.Society at the link: 
View the embedded image gallery online at:

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